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Reporting Absence Online

Did you know?

If your child’s attendance during the year is…Your child would have lost approximately…Or they would have missed approximately…








9 Days

19 Days

29 Days

38 Days

48 Days

57 Days

67 Days

50 Lessons

100 Lessons

150 Lessons

200 Lessons

250 Lessons

290 Lessons

340 Lessons

It is imperative that children do not miss the learning in school and it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that they are on time and present.
The school gate opens at 8.30am and closes at 8.45am. Children arriving after 8.45am are late.

Please use this form to report to the school if your child will not be attending school on any given day with proof to be submitted to the main office at the earliest convenient time. Every day missed must be reported separately unless an arrangement has been agreed with the office staff or a member of the senior leadership team.